Complete Batch started in Jan 23
Complete Batch got over in April 23
Videos runs on Android Phone, Windows Laptop, iOS, Android Tab, Mac Book .
If want lecture access on Android Phone / iOS phone : you can download the lectures as well as the application also .
If want lecture access on Windows Laptop / Mac Book / Android Tab : you will have to browse through the link that will be provided to you,l. Please note that you will not be able to download the lecture or the application in these devices.
Lectures and app can be downloaded online on Android Phones and iOS phones , if you choose to watch the lec on any other device , lectures and app can't be downloaded proper internet connection will be required.
Video run on windows laptop/ Android Phone/ iOS phone/Mac Book / Android tab
Lectures and app can be downloaded online on Android Phones and iOS phones , if you choose to watch the lec on any other device , lectures and app can't be downloaded proper internet connection will be required .
Only a Single device activation is available and therefore, multiple devices access will not be available. Please note that you will be able to access the lectures on a single device only.Once you activate the lectures on one device, you will not be able to shift on any other device.